The definition of SEO is constantly changing. With algorithmic updates bringing new metrics to measure visitor experience, SEO remains static. To be an SEO expert, you will need to be a non-linear thinker. If I were to ask you what half of 13 is, how many answers could you give me? Most only have two: 6 and a half and six and a half. I can think of many more: 6 and a half; thir, teen; 1, 3; one, three; and endless other combinations.In order to understand Search Engine Optimization, you must be in it for the pure love of the science. I am extremely successful in SEO and I rarely find others who can comprehend the basics, let alone the finer points.

SEO Expert Definition

Here is the proper definition of Search Engine Optimization. “Any action or series thereof that causes a web site to move up in the SERPS is SEO. As well, any manipulation of a web page that directly and positively increases a page to increase it’s position in the index is SEO.” Now, these series of manipulations to a web page are commonly referred to as “rounds of optimization”. Some modifications to documents (pages) are maintenence related such as updating the content such as text and images or other media on a page. In Specific regards to the manipulation of code on a page to increase another site’s ranking, this is commonly referred to as hyperlinking. While this is an advanced explanation of SEO, that definition is the foundation that is the beginning of an endless dichotomy of revision, enhancement, clarification and improvement.

SEO Consultation

SEO Tips
Create content that humans respond well to that is infomative and unique. Remember, unique does not mean strange. Create user friendly content that takes in to consideration how you will be listed in Google. Visitors must respond to your pages in a positive manner. Frequent foot prints of a successful site include length of stay, low bounce ratio, server speed, mobile friendly rating and returning visitor metrics but that is a small snapshot of what goes in to gaining traction for your website.

SEO Expert Services

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SEO Design

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E-Commerce Stores

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Working Process

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luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo..

The 1SEO Experts Advantage

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UI/UX Designer


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Web Designer


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Web Developer

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Graphic Designer

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